GalaxyS20 5G 画面交換修理 (Screen Replacement Repair)スマホ修理工房
GalaxyS20 5G 画面交換修理 (Screen Replacement Repair)2025-03-21 [投稿店舗]:スマホ修理工房 さいか屋横須賀店 修理日記, 画面交換, 液晶交換, 横須賀, GalaxyS20 5G,
本日は野比よりご来店のお客様よりのGalaxyS20 5Gの画面交換修理を承りました。
Today we received a Galaxy S20 5G screen replacement repair from a customer who came to our store from Nohi.
The customer came to our store because he said that the LCD display had gone wrong due to a fall.
There seems to be no problem with the internal operation, but the LCD is almost completely white, making it unusable.
We will replace it.

Since the parts to be replaced this time are not only the screen but also the frame integrated, we will almost exclusively be dealing with board transplantation.
Starting from the back, remove the board cover, board, and all other parts such as the camera.
All parts are transplanted to the frame on the new screen side, and the operation is checked.

After confirming that there is no problem with the LCD display, close the back of the device and check the operation again.
If there are no problems, the repair is complete.

同様の故障でお困りの際はお気軽にスマホ修理工房 さいか屋 横須賀店へご相談くださいませ。
This repair was completed in about 40 minutes.
If it is a Galaxy series, we can basically repair it in the shortest amount of time as long as we have the parts in stock.
Please feel free to contact us at Smartphone Repair Studio Saikaya Yokosuka if you have any trouble with a similar failure.
Business hours: 10:00-19:00 (same as Saikaya Yokosuka)
住所:〒238-8501 神奈川県横須賀市大滝町1-13さいか屋横須賀店4階
Address: 4F Saikaya Yokosuka, 1-13 Otaki-cho, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa 238-8501
TEL: 050-5530-1362
問い合わせはコチラ[Inquiry Form]