We Fix Swollen Batteryスマホ修理工房
We Fix Swollen Battery2020-09-23 [投稿店舗]:スマホ修理工房 渋谷モディ店 スマホ修理コラム, 修理日記, メディア掲載情報, スマホ買取情報,
Smart Phone Repair Factory Shibuya modi,
Today I am going to explain about hazardness and impact of swollen battery.Removing a swollen battery is very dangerous work, but using a swollen battery is too risky. To prevent potential device should not use in swollen condition it may damage or may occur fire which is extrimly hazardious for your body.But also many people have been using phone during swollen condition up to the device work but this is extremly dangerous.
※Swollen battery
While replacing a swollen battery first of all we should be aware from ourself like we have to wear gloves,we should were glass to prevent the fire because some time accidentilly it may blast or cause the fire so we should manage the sand container if fire cause immediately we have to put divice in sand container up to the fire turn off.
※Sand cointener (if fire occur ASAP we have to put device inside this container and cover it )
Swelling is the result of particulates getting caught in between the layers of the battery and eventually puncturing the membrane that separate the layers. If the membrane has been compromised, moisture in the air can react with the cell, causing the cell to swell.
Every year some cases occurs about battery blast but it rare its hazardable so immediatly please if you are using such device repair it as soon as poosible. We have a more than 160 shop in different city of Japan so please visit our near shop.
所在施設: 渋谷モディ
所在地: 〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1丁目21-3 渋谷モディ 4F
電話: 050-5228-5003
Smart Phone Repair Factory
Shibuya modi building
Tokyo,Shibuya city,1chome-21-3 Jinnan,
Shibuya modi building 4F